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My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt

 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
In Stock
 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
 My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
My Ice Tea Concentrate Peach 1Lt
  • Stock: 2-3 Days
  • Model: 070-0184

We present you the 1 liter My Ice Tea!

The absolutely healthy cold tea concentrate without sugar in 3 wonderful flavors: LEMON - PEACH- GREEN ΤEA ​​WITH LEMON FLAVORING at an incredible price !!!

Discover the aromatic and delicious pleasures of cold tea. Tastes of lemon, peach and green tea. A refreshing cold tea drink with lemon, peach and green tea flavor with lemon aroma that will stimulate your senses and relax you. A sugar-free product, with sweeteners and water from the sources of the Thessaloniki Forest!

Enjoy ....... The package contains 22-25 servings.

Expiration date 30 months.

Greek product

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